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Effective vs. Total Rainfall




Build Organic Matter to Capture More Water


Much of the variance observed in effective rainfall and the lack of drought resiliency of pastures can be attributed to a lack of water-holding capacity. Water holding capacity is influenced by soil type, previous management and organic matter in the soil.

There is little you can do about the soil types of your property. Inherently, some soil types hold more water than others. For example, good loam and clay loam soils hold more water than a sandy soil. However, you do have influence on other variables that directly affect the amount of organic matter that accumulates in and on the soil.

There is a correlation between soil organic matter and water-holding capacity. The greater the amount of organic matter in and on the soil, the greater the water-holding capacity and the more drought-resilient soils and pastures will be regardless of the soil type.

No. 1 Recommendation: Keep Soil Covered



There is never bare ground in the pastures and the plant material growing in and on the soils are healthy, productive and managed so that there is plenty of plant material remaining during the growing and dormant seasons.

Adequate residues are maintained following grazing events and across all season allowing for some plant litter to mature, deteriorate with age and accumulate at the soil surface.



Grazing livestock are managed so that plants are never/rarely grazed severely and receive adequate recovery before being re-grazed.

With this description of proper management to enhance organic matter in and on the soils, a producer incorporates other soil health principles too: soil disturbance is optimized, grazing livestock are incorporated and a growing root is in the soil at all times. In many instances, it means plant diversity contributes as well. To increase the amount of effective rainfall, a producer needs to manage their pastures in such a manner that is complementary to the soil health principles.



在一个有利的一年中,该地区在不断增长的季节体验多于3英寸的雨季事件并不罕见。在这样的岁月里,发生了重要的径流。这填满了池塘和湖泊 - 一个有价值的好处 - 但是一旦池塘填充,剩下的水分就会丢失。

So how much rain falls on our pastures before it begins to run off? How much of the total rainfall is effective? Unfortunately for many producers, most pastures incur runoff with multi-inch rainfall events.





Most soil samples that come through 188bet金宝搏代理Noble Research Institute’s soil testing facility are near or below 1% organic matter. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that only about 24 inches of our annual rainfall is effective for some if not many 1% organic matter soils in south-central Oklahoma.


When applied to our previous example, the point of runoff increases from 1.5 inches of rain to 2.2 inches of rain. Only about 40% of rain events are in excess of 2.2 inches, and there are generally about five of those annually. Effective rainfall increases to 21.6 inches (36-inch annual rainfall × 60%) plus 11 inches (2.2 inches x 5 events) equals 33.6 inches.


Imagine what an additional percent increase or two would do!


休阿尔佐伊serves as the director of producer relations (consultation and ranch management) and a pasture and range consultant. He has been associated with 188bet金宝搏代理Noble Research Institute since 1995. Prior to coming to Noble, he managed a 3,000-acre 1,500-head cattle operation in Texas. Hugh received his master’s degree in range science from Texas A&M University with emphasis in grazing management.

